Its best represented section is the Canal de Berdún. The intrapirenaic depression is a broad perpendicular corridor. Mallos de Riglos conglomerate rock formations, in Las Peñas de Riglos The orography of the community has as central axis the Ebro valley (with heights between 150 and 300 meters approx.) which transits between two foothills, the Pyrenean and the Ibérico, preambles of two great mountain formations, the Pyrenees to the north and the Sistema Ibérico to the south the Community has the highest peaks of both mountain ranges, the Aneto and the Moncayo respectively.

Its boundaries and borders are in the north with France (the regions of Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Occitanie), in the west with the autonomous communities of Castile-La Mancha (provinces of Guadalajara and Cuenca), Castile and León ( province of Soria), La Rioja and Navarre, and in the east with the autonomous communities of Catalonia (provinces of Lérida and Tarragona) and the Valencian Community (provinces of Castellón and Valencia). It is located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, at a latitude between 39º and 43º'N in the temperate zone. The total represents a 9.43% of the surface of Spain, being thus the fourth autonomous community in size behind Castile and León, Andalusia, and Castile-La Mancha. The area of Aragon is 47 720 km 2 of which 15 636 km 2 belong to the province of Huesca, 17 275 km 2 to the province of Zaragoza and 14 810 km 2 to the province of Teruel.

Hermitage of la Virgen de la Peña in Aniés, La Sotonera, province of Huesca All comarcas of Aragon have a rich geopolitical and cultural history from its pre-Roman, Celtic and Roman days, four centuries of Islamic rule as Marca Superior of Al-Andalus or kingdom (or taifa) of Saraqusta, as lands that once belonged to the Frankish Marca Hispanica, counties that later formed the Kingdom of Aragon, and eventually the Crown of Aragon. In addition to its three provinces, Aragon is subdivided into 33 comarcas or counties. During the same year, the economy of Aragon generated a GDP of €34 687 million, which represents 3.1% of Spain's national GDP, and is currently 6th in per capita production behind Madrid, Basque Country, Navarre, Catalonia and La Rioja. It is also home to the highest mountains of the Pyrenees.Īs of January 2020, the population of Aragon was 1 329 391, with over half of it living in its capital city, Zaragoza.

Aragon is home to many rivers-most notably, the river Ebro, Spain's largest river in volume, which runs west–east across the entire region through the province of Zaragoza. The current Statute of Autonomy declares Aragon a historic nationality of Spain.Ĭovering an area of 47 720 km 2 ( 18 420 sq mi), the region's terrain ranges diversely from permanent glaciers to verdant valleys, rich pasture lands and orchards, through to the arid steppe plains of the central lowlands. In northeastern Spain, the Aragonese autonomous community comprises three provinces (from north to south): Huesca, Zaragoza, and Teruel. Aragon ( / ˈ ær ə ɡ ɒ n/ or / ˈ ær ə ɡ ən/, Spanish and Aragonese: Aragón, Catalan: Aragó ) is an autonomous community in Spain, coextensive with the medieval Kingdom of Aragon.